Friday, January 1, 2010

The First of 365

     OK, first things first: Happy New Year!
     A new year, a new outlook, new goals, new everything. What does this mean for my little blog? I'm glad you asked. Wendell Castle, a designer/artist I greatly admire, once said that one of the disciplines in his career has been to spend a set amount of time drawing each day. This simple idea has always been one of those things that "I should do" but never stuck with. Until today. From now on, every day a new post, a new design. "And if you miss a day?" Well thank you for asking. I am a realist (usually), therefor I have a plan for those days when life prevents me from posting. If I miss a day the next will have two designs, and if I know I will not be able to post for some reason I will try to post ahead of time.
     Enough set up, here is the first design of this experimental exercise thingy. Enjoy and for gosh sakes keep me honest, if I miss a post let me hear about it!

The Good: The overall design of this jewelry cabinet on stand is very appealing to me, and at over 200 hand cut dovetails for the drawers this thing would be a workout and a joy to build.
The Bad: I think the base and a few small details need to be worked out before this piece could be built.

1 comment:

Scott Meek said...

Hey, I'm designing a jewelry cabinet on a stand right now myself! Will be interesting to see our designs progress.